Twas the Night Before the Big Launch...

Twas the night before my big launch, when all through the office,

Not an inbox was stirring, and I couldn’t click my mouse;

The videos had been uploaded by my assistant with care,

In hopes that my new program soon would be there;

The affiliates were nestled all set with their bonus,

While visions of potential payout danced in their prowess,

And my friend in her lululemon and I in my turban,

Had just settled our minds for a mediation to release burden -


When out on the inter web there arose such a clatter,

I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.

Away to the desktop I flew like a flash,

Tore open my hard drive, and emptied my cache,

The moon on the breast of a lunar eclipse,

While the lustre of Mercury Retrograde made my email series go amiss;


When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature Jetta, and eight tiny chakra lights, 

With a fierce wise driver, so lively and swell,

I knew in a moment it must be Danielle.


As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

Downing her green juice, Danielle came with a bound,

She was dress’d all in white, from her head to her foot,

And her clothes were all glowing and I felt a readiness for her input.

A bundle of crystals was flung on her back,

And she look’d like a mystic just opening her pack:

Her eyes - how they twinkled! Her left dimple, how merry, 

Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a fairy;

Her beaming mouth was drawn up like a bow,

And the gleam of her selenite wand was as white as the snow;


With a bundle of sage she moved through my office and underneath,

And the smoke it encircled her head like a wreath.

She had a broad face, and a little buddha belly,

That shook when she laughed, like a bowl of chia seed jelly:

She was a tall and vivacious, a new age mystical elf,

And I felt enlightened when I saw her in spite of myself;


A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

She spoke a few words, but went straight to her work,

Taking my birth chart and holding back a smirk,

And laying down my business plans, she started plotting,

And giving a nod, she suggested new days to start allotting,

I knew in that moment, that all was assured,

That I’d have a successful launch and a new plan emerged.


She sprung to her Jetta, to her spirit squad chanted an om,

And away they all flew, like an eager gypsy going back home,


But I heard her explaim, ere she drove out of sight-

Successful launches to all entrepreneurs, and to all a prosperous night!

Don't let cosmic timing destroy your precious launch. My business planning session combines my entrepreneurial experience and astrology to strategize your most successful year ever! No more getting trapped planning an email video series during a retrograde or taking on new clients during a time you should be relaxing. Many of my past clients have reported a less stressful year, more income, and a productive flow based on our work together! You may look at the different options here or email me to create a custom session! Let's make 2017 a year of ease, abundance, and ultimate expansion!

What the people are saying...

"Danielle helped me create a customized plan for my business + life so that I know when it makes sense to be reaching for big goals and when I should scale back and focus on riding the energetic wave of what I've already built. The confidence and clarity that I gained for our session was PRICELESS. So far, her advice has been SPOT on. I've already made my money back from our session and then some." - Andrea Crowder

"Being an uber sensitive empath infuses a depth of feeling and emotion into every area of my life, especially my business. Therefore I don't always feel aligned with typical entrepreneurial business strategy. Having an astrological business strategy felt better to me and Danielle made that a reality! She beautifully crafted dates, events, and launches with my chart. I now have a strategy with soul, which feels right to me. I also very much appreciated her beautiful opening meditation for our session. Danielle is tapped in and you can't help but feel so supported in session with her. I would highly recommend her services to anyone on the path of self-discovery!" - Lindsey Rae
January appointments available! Book your session today & save massively for all your tomorrows! Schedule here.
Danielle Mercurio